AgResource Sunday Commentary; Weekend Midwest Rain was Better than Expected; Pro Farmer Tour Ahead; India Claims It will Not Import Wheat

Sunday Pre-Opening Calls Are: Soybeans 2 to 5 cents lower, corn 1 cent higher to 3 cents lower with wheat called steady to 3 cents lower. Another week of choppy trade is expected with the US harvest ahead while US export demand for corn/soy increases on CBOT breaks. The Pro Farmer Crop Tour starts Monday…

US Soybean Weekly Export Inspections Could Be 715,000 MT. Lineup Expected To Build Sharply in Coming Weeks.

Summary:  The lineup of ships waiting or scheduled to load US soybeans is 856,000 MT, up 14% from the previous week There were 22 vessels to-be-nominated (TBN). Monday’s soybean export inspections could be 715,000 MT (26 MBU).  That would be down 4% from the previous week. USDA lowered their projection of US exports by 10 MBU to 2,160…