CBOT Retreats as Traders Hear that US/China Negotiators Hash Out Final Trade Details With Potential Visits

** A low volume/mixed CBOT trading session is underway with selling noted in corn/soybeans as futures pushed below Monday’s low. Wheat futures have held more stable. CBOT values are struggling for direction amid limited news on US/China trade negotiation progress and large South American supplies.   CBOT volume is curtailed by the binary aspect of a…

China’s Soybean Crush Margins Still Deep In The Red As Soymeal Prices Stay at Multi-Year Lows.

Summary: China’s “spot” soybean crushing margin today is -269 Yuan/MT, down from last week’s -242.   Two weeks ago, the spot margin last week was the lowest it’s had been since Jun ’14.  The “forward” margin is -160 Yuan/MT vs a week ago when it was  -110 Yuan/MT.  The forward margin is 113 Yuan below what it was a year ago.  In the Mar…